Monday, April 12, 2010


Ahmad Bin Abdullah,

Syurga Firdaus,

Taman Wahyu,

Arasy Allah S.W.T


27 Rabiul Akhir 1431

Kehadapan bonda, ayahanda dan saudara-saudari Islam yang adik cintai sekalian. Assalamualaikum semua, apa khabar? Adik harap sihat-sihat sejahtera semuanya. Adik di sini juga sihat, semua luka-luka akibat digigit semut dan serangga kemarin sudah sembuh, para bidadari syurga yang merawat luka-luka adik. Adik sudah kembali pulih seperti biasa dan adik sudah boleh berjalan. Mungkin sebab minuman dan makanan yang dihidangkan di syurga ini yang buat adik cepat sembuh. Mereka semua di sini baik-baik belaka.

Bonda, Ayahanda, dan saudara-saudari Islam sekalian,

Pertama sekali adik ingin mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih yang tidak terhingga kepada bonda dan ayahanda kerana telah memelihara adik selama sembilan bulan sepuluh hari di dalam kandungan bonda. Sepanjang tempoh itu, adik merasa sungguh bahagia dan selama sembilan bulan sepuluh hari inilah juga adik dapat merasakan kasih sayang daripada bonda, walaupun sekejap, cukup untuk adik kenang buat selama-lamanya. Kemuncak tanda kasih sayang bonda adalah apabila bonda membuat keputusan untuk meninggalkan adik di tepi tong sampah. Masihkah bonda ingat? Adik harap adik sudah menjadi anak yang baik sebab semasa bonda tinggalkan adik di tempat yang dipenuhi dengan serangga mencari makanan, adik tidak menangis sedikit pun. Belum sempat adik ingin menangis, malaikat Izrail datang menjemput adik dan membawa adik ke syurga bertemu Allah Azzawajalla.

Bonda, Ayahanda, dan saudara-saudari Islam sekalian,

Jangan risau tentang keadaan adik, di sini ramai kawan yang senasib dan redha dengan perbuataan bonda dan ayahanda mereka. Tidak kira bangsa mahupun warna kulit mereka senasib seperti adik. Setelah ditinggalkan, mereka lantas dijemput ke syurga, kehadiran mereka di sambut oleh para nabi, syuhada, dan para bidadari syurga. Semalam ada yang mengatakan, kini, sudah menjangkau lebih daripada 90 bayi-bayi yang senasib dengan adik. Memang kami sedih, memang kami pilu kerana ditinggal oleh bonda dan ayahanda masing-masing, tapi tak mengapa, perbuatan ayahanda dan bonda menyebabkan adik dan rakan-rakan sekalian kini berada di syurga.

Bonda dan Ayahanda

Adik tahu, mungkin bonda tidak mengerti dan tidak memahami kepentingan seorang anak dalam keluarga dan adik tahu bonda akan berasa malu dan keberatan untuk menjaga adik. Mungkin bonda fikir walaupun adik masih hidup dan dijaga, tetapi masyarakat sudah tentu tidak akan menerima adik dan akan membenci dan menghina adik. Sebab itulah bonda membuang adik kan?? Hati bonda suci tapi sucikah sifat bonda yang sanggup membuang adik? Adik tahu kini, mungkin ayahanda sudah pergi meninggalkan bonda keseorangan.


Bonda berseronok dengan keseronokan dunia tetapi tahukah bonda bahawa adik lagi seronok dan bahagia bersama ahli-ahli syurga dan para malaikat yang tidak putus-putus mendidik dan menjaga adik. Adik faham bonda tertekan apabila ayahanda mula melarikan diri dan berjauhan serta tidak mengaku bahawa kandungan itu adalah hak dan tanggungannya. Mungkin salah adik yang membebankan jiwa dan perasaan bonda. Seperti marahkan nyamuk seekor tetapi kelambu dibakar. Adik bukan nyamuk bonda, adik bukan binatang, adik manusia yang dahagakan kasih sayang dan belaian manja seorang bonda dan ayahanda tercinta.

Adik takut, adik gerun, adik sedih mendengar segala jeritan yang datangnya dari neraka jahanam, setiap hari mereka di seksa oleh malaikat. Adik bertanya apakah kesalahan mereka, para bidadari menjawab itulah balasan dosa mereka. Para bidadari juga ada berkata, Allah S.W.T berfirman dalam surah an-nisa ayat 93, Dan barang siapa membunuh seorang yang beriman dengan sengaja, maka balasannya ialah neraka Jahanam, dia kekal di dalamnya. Allah murka kepadanya, dan melaknatnya serta menyediakan azab yang berat baginya”. Tambah para bidadari lagi, hukuman di dunia juga akan diberatkan kepada pesalah seperti bonda. Tetapi adik tidak risau kerana adik tahu bonda mungkin sedang bersembunyi di rumah dan tidak akan ditangkap oleh pihak berkuasa. Cuma yang adik takutkan, semua hukuman yang menanti bonda di akhirat kelak. Tetapi usah gusar bonda, adik sentiasa mendoakan agar bonda diampunkan oleh Allah dan Allah akan sentiasa menerima taubat nasuha bonda.


Adik cinta bonda, tetapi cinta bonda pada perkara yang membuat bonda sendiri merana dan terseksa. Bonda sedarlah! Bonda boleh menjadi seorang ibu yang baik. Bonda dilahirkan dengan hati yang bersih. Janganlah bonda kotorkan dengan perkara yang memudaratkan diri bonda. Hukuman yang bakal bonda hadapi tidak memadai dengan apa yang bakal bonda rasai di ukhrawi. Adik sayang bonda. Adik harap bonda akan menyesal dengan apa yang telah bonda lakukan. Bonda, jalinkanlah ikatan yang sah dengan orang yang boleh menjaga dan membimbing bonda ke jalan yang benar. Mudah-mudahan bonda akan memperoleh kehidupan baru bersama zuriat yang halal. Adik berharap bonda akan menjaga zuriat bonda nanti dengan sebaik mungkin, sehingga dia menjadi anak yang berguna kepada bonda.

Yang benar,

Ahmad bin Abdullah

(Ahli Syurga).

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Dr. Intan
Rat began sexually active as young as six weeks and can produce up to 170 calves during her life time.

Most of the people are shock when the deejay and radio personality and popular television, Din Beramboi reportedly had to be treated in intensive care unit (ICU) at Selayang Hospital after rat urine infected recently.
Several of theories suddenly appear much less after Din fell ill a few days after he was filmed at the National Zoo, Kuala Lumpur. However, Din confirmed death due to dengue haemorrhagic fever.

What is leptospirosis? Rat urine infection or known scientifically as leptospirosis is believed to spread from animals to humans and usually happen by accidentally.

According to the Veterinary Consultant, Dr. Intan Suriati Abdul Manaf, leptospirosis is a bacterial disease caused by Leptospira sp. which is very thin and spiral-shaped eyes of drill. Leptospira bacteria can live in fresh water for a month but it can also breed in salt water.
“Many types of animals can be carrier of the bacteria leptospira, no matter they are pets like cats, rabbits, cattle, pigs, horses, dog and other wild animals such as wolves. However, the rat is detected as the main carrier of these bacteria because their life cycle that likes to eat and live in dirty places which is the place of leptospira bacteria multiplies. The damp climate of the country is the main factors of these bacteria. In fact, the average temperature is the reason why it can live longer, "she said.

Intan added, the life cycle of rats that are multiply very quickly and difficult to control are the reason why the bacteria spread in vast.

Life expectancy female rats were between two and three years but it could have been pregnant and sexually active only within the past six weeks. Every birth, rats can produce five to seven young rats. On average, the life cycle of a female rat, it can be pregnant up to 28 times and produce up to 170 calves.

Leptospira bacteria are spread through the liquid produced by the rats as the urine, saliva, blood, semen and faeces. In fact, the pregnant female rat could transfer the bacteria to the baby. The bacteria from the urine of rats can also spread through water or soil. Touching a tree or contaminated wetlands also can transfer bacteria to humans.

Therefore, it is recommended to wearing gloves while doing gardening work and washing hands with antiseptic. The infection continued to Leptospira bacteria from the body of rats was reported but rarely occurs when animals such as cats or dogs drinking water from a pothole that has been contaminated with rat urine.

Normally, a cat who drink from stagnant water that has been contaminated with rat urine can be at high risk for the rat infection, leptospirosis. The owners of cat, like example who clean the cat and in touch of the urine, saliva, tissue or other wet surfaces of the cat will be exposed to this infection too.

Symptoms will appear within four to 12 days after the germs or bacteria Leptospira infect animals or humans. Typically bacteria can enter the body through wounds or soft tissues such as mouth, nose or eyes. If we hold the animals infected with leptospirosis and eating without washing hands, the bacteria will also enter the body before entering the bloodstream.

Bacteria will go straightly to the cells in the body including the liver and kidneys. In fact, the two organs is the main location of these bacteria. As a result, cells of vital organs of animals that attack bacteria will be damaged and failed to function, while blood vessels are broken up and the result will be urine of blood.

In serious cases, leptospirosis can cause death. The level of infection varies between individuals or animals in their resistance. It is difficult to identify this infection in the early stages as indicated very common symptom. Detailed of examination involving laboratory tests, blood tests, urine analysis and other tests should be done before it is due to Leptospira is know.

The symptoms will become more serious when the disease enters a second phase and third because it can cause kidney failure and liver damage. Once it is infected, Leptospira bacteria usually take about 10 days to reach the vital organs before shows the symptoms. During this period, treatment should be given to avoid unwanted complications.

As with other bacterial infections, leptospirosis is treatable with antibiotics such as penicillin, streptomycin, eritromisin, tetrasiklin and doksisiklin. The cost of testing to identify high Leptospira bacteria causing most of the owners of infected animals was only taking care of the symptoms shown by their pet.

For this purpose, antibiotics are preferred, but it will not completely kill the bacteria but only relieve the symptoms of infection such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea or jaundice. Even after three month it still critically health, the bacteria are still present in the body.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Product Review about cupcakes!!!

Cupcake, you're my best friend,
I will love you 'til the very end.

But that may come soon,
My hunger doth loom.

You may think this rash decision hasty,
But it's not my fault you're so damn tasty.

All Cupcakes, all the time! Everything you ever wanted to know about cupcakes from true cupcake fans. I’m Nabilah bt. Mofti who the person love cupcakes so much. I do admit it! Everything about cupcakes makes me fall in love with it. Now let’s me share with all of you one of the famous cupcakes outlets that are delicious and fabulous.

Cuppacakes was established in May 2006, when 6 cupcake lovers, came together to devote their time and attention to the art of cupcake making and decorating. What started out as a small home business catering to friends and families, soon began to develop into a full time business. Cuppacakes offer more than just beautifully designed and cute cupcakes. It personally prepare every single order, offering ideas and customised cupcakes for birthdays, gifts and weddings, creating precious handcrafted lovely memories.

Cuppacakes are known for fine and exquisite cupcake creations. Always defined by the attention to detail, beautiful colours, yummy flavours, premium quality ingredients and forever known for our whimsical & creative approach to cupcake design.

+wondermilk (m) sdn bhd, before this formerly known as the Clickproject Sdn Bhd. The team behind +wondermilk are graduates from the prestigious university of the arts London (formerly known as the London institute), namely central St Martin’s college of art and London college of printing. They all are a creative collective of designers, artists and problem solvers who are about graphics, art, design & culture. They are dedicated to churn out new ideas, powerful visuals and exciting products rather than reproducing the status quo, explore new visual possibilities, creating off the wall and effective solutions for print, apparel, products and events.

Now let’s me share with all of you about +wondermilk design consultancy, a cupcake shop and an art collective working in 3 divisions, graphic design bureau, +wondermilk cafe and gallery and cuppacakes. Always defined by the attention to creative solutions, edgy graphics, beautiful colours and forever known by the quirky approach to print and design, +wondermilk is ever evolving.

They have worked on projects ranging from identity, interior design & graphics, title sequence for telavision programmes, illustration commissions, corporate branding and rebranding, merchandising, to events and magazines. Previous works includes, among others:

01) Royal Selangor / packaging design & window graphics.
02) Primavera / new season graphics & collaterals for stores.
03) Delicious by ms read / logo, identity, graphics & collaterals
04) Alexis bar / interior graphics & collaterals.
05) Klue magazine / venue & stage design for upfront gig + various graphics.
06) 8tv / quickie set designs.
07) Digi / feature artwork for official hq launch.
08) Nike Malaysia & Asia pacific / commissioned artworks.
09) Deanna Yusoff / chicka identity & stationary.
10) Music & movement / Suria channel Singapore Television title sequences.
Cuppacakes by +wondermilk was divided into three part, firstly bluejay collection, robin collection and goldfinch collection as well. All of this three collection do have they own design that make this cuppacakes are special from other cupcakes out there.

The bluejay collection with the beautiful and simple basic range of design was the one of the design out of three. This design came with three types of size, small, medium and large. For the small size which is approximate one diameter, the price for the mini 49 pieces is RM60. The medium size which is approximate one and the half diameter, the price for the petite 36 pieces is RM50 and petite 88 pieces is RM120. For the large, approximate two diameter, the price for the maxi 25 pieces is RM70 and maxi 48 pieces is RM130.

Cuppacakes. Baked fresh on a made to order basis, it make the cupcakes on-site ensuring that the cupcakes itself are always fresh and of premium quality. It uses only the finest, yummiest and freshest ingredients and satisfaction guaranteed with every order.

These are two example of the bluejay collection.

Next, it will be about the robin collection which is the design was awesome and lovely medium range. This design came with three types of size, small, medium and large. For the small size which is approximate one diameter, the price for the mini 49 pieces is RM70. The medium size which is approximate one and the half diameter, the price for the petite 36 pieces is RM60 and petite 88 pieces is RM145. For the large, approximate diameter, the price for the maxi 25 pieces is RM80 and maxi 48 pieces is RM150.

Cuppacakes. Always defined by the attention to detail, beautiful colours, delicious flavours, premium ingredients and forever known for fine and exquisite cupcake creations and it whimsical and creative approach to each of the cupcake design.

These are two example of robin collection.

The third design for the cuppacakes was goldfinch collection which is gorgeous and intricate higher range designs. This design came with three types of size, small, medium and large. For the small size which is approximate one diameter, the price for the mini 49 pieces is RM80. The medium size which is approximate one and the half diameter, the price for the petite 36 pieces is RM70 and petite 88 pieces is RM165. For the large, approximate two diameters, the price for the maxi 25 pieces is RM90 and maxi 48 pieces is RM170.

Cuppacakes. Great for special celebrations and equally delectable for any other occasions; birthdays, wedding receptions, baby showers, corporate meetings, launches, casual together, exhibitions, parties and other.

These are two example of goldfinch collection

The available flavours for the +wondermilk by cuppacakes, the traditional recipe vanilla butter cake, flavourful and tender; using only the freshest, highest quality & premium ingredients. Start from the royal vanilla or basic and delicious all-time favourite, chocolate chip or awesome chocolate chip mix, mint choc chip or chocolate chip with a hint of fresh mint, strawberry dream or delightful strawberry chip mix, coffee circus or creamy vanilla and espresso flavour, lastly amazing raisin or fruity premium raisin mix.

Furthermore for the ordering information, besides purchasing ready-made cupcakes at the shop, you may also pre-order cupcakes to be collected on a specific date. Pre-order directly at the shop or through the temporary online order form. The shop ordering hours are open on Monday until Sunday from 9 a.m until 10 p.m at least three days in advance. On the other hand for the online ordering hours are open on Monday until Saturday from 9 a.m until 6 p.m at least seven days in advance. Unfortunately, the pre-order will not be via a phone. The full payment for online orders must be made via online banking, into the Maybank account.

+wondermilk is a cupcake specialty brand which I randomly found out about when I was surfing the net. The cupcakes are creatively moulded and most importantly yummy. The cupcakes are the most loveliest, nicest and adorable that I’ve seen among the cupcakes shops. It has many kinds of cupcakes so that customers can order any favourite of theirs. It also sells cupcakes that specially decorated on special occasion for instance Valentine’s Day, birthday and any others.

Now do you want to make your life really easy? Cuppacakes determine to provide their customers delicious and great looking contemporary cupcakes every day. Just click on to go directly to their website and check out their cuppacakes options. Enjoy it!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

About me

It took nineteen years to create who I am today. Within these years, I have been given the freedom to explore the world in order to satisfy my curiosity toward all the strange and wonderful things in the world around me.

Nabilah bte. Mofti was my name given by my beloved parents, Mofti b. Hj. Riduan and Zaiton bte. Salleh. My lucky number was 7th July 1990 and I was born in Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah, Klang. Currenty I was stay at Bandar Bukit Raja Klang with my superb family. I have two elder sister, one brother and also my lovely younger sister, both of my sister are being married and other are still studied.

My previous education at Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Convent (2) Klang and Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Convent Klang. This is the early journey of my life to gained education from the best teacher that I have for all the 11 years. I applied for science stream in my secondary school and now pursuing a Degree for Communication in Media Studied in course of Interpersonal. Hopefully, after I complete my degree, Iwill have the opportunity to obtain a stable and challenging career in the future. I know that the road ahead will not be easy for me, but I cannot stop here. I need to move on in order to reach my goals. My success in the future lies in my own hands.

Every stage of education have their own level but after being three semester in Diploma of Communication and Media Studied in Lendu, Malacca, I took the fast track and now I was at University Teknology Mara, Shah Alam for my degree. The assignment of Thinking and Writing Strategies (LIB 401) need each of individual to create a blog. This is what I call a challenge because I don’t love to write at all and for me I do love talking rather than this.

Nothing is impossible! That was my word of inspiration when I have a hard time to complete each of my task. I took this challenge, create the blog and now this is me, sitting on the chair with the single words to create ‘about me’ for my blog. I hope from this blog I can have a wonderful of experience in writing because experience is the best teachers ever!

Last words from me, a big thank you for your time reading about me in my blog. Hopefully, you could spend a few minutes more in a words for me or comments for my writing since I was not an expert in this and still learning to be a good writers soon. Hopefully, we can meet up soon for my next article in this blog of education. :)